Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What's Your Super Power?

On the way to a class the other night, the kids and my husband and I had a lively discussion about what our super power would be if we were a super hero.

It was a toss up for the kids, but they both agreed that stretching would be theirs. You could stretch into any shape, any thickness and therefore go anywhere and repel bullets. That's significant.

Years ago, I would have said the ability to produce milk. Both of my kids were exclusively breastfed until they started playing around with finger food at around 10 months old. My husband once marveled that every molecule in their body was nourished by me, by my body. And yet, here I was a mere mortal walking around. It was a super power. Lactators unite!

The other night, I said either invisibility--not for anything nefarious, of course--or flight. I have had flying dreams where I run down my street like it's an air strip, extend my arms out from my sides and take off and soar into the sky. I love those dreams!

Finally, my husband said his super power would be computation...What is wrong with him?!

Buzz kill.

What's your super power?


Maria said...

22 months of milk making here! I even have the shirt. LOL!

DoulaMomma said...

Eighty months combined total (for 3 kids)of BF, though not exclusive, obviously! I really wanted the shirt or the bumper sticker!

Mine would be flight, for sure - I also love those dreams. But I also dream about running & enjoying it (but don't actually do it) - perhaps I should look into that since it's more doable than flight!

grace said...

Time travel. How cool would that be?

Laura said...

Grace--time travel! Very cool. But, only if you wouldn't rend the time/space continuum fabric by going backwards in time thereby rendering your own life and your kids' lives nonexistent, or some other tragic possibility. Unless, you went forward in time...

Maria said...

Oh, and if it were REALLY my superpower, I'd make milk for all people in need, 'cause that's what a superhero would do, right?

Mama bee said...

Ditto on the milkmaking, and I *have* the shirt. (our LLL group made them this year) Other than that, telepathy. Or teleportation. Hmm, I'll have to think about this more.

DoulaMomma said...

OK - now I'm regretting my choice - time travel would be great - I have to think of a super hero who gets to do many cool things.

Meanwhile, I'm tagging Laura:

Kelly said...

I want a shirt too! I'm at 47 months so far, and baby number three doesn't show any signs of quitting. As for my super power- well it sure wouldn't be computing! I'd love to be able to fly, even though I'm terrible afraid of heights.

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