Friday, October 10, 2008

Barack Obama: Too Risky for America

A friend of mine, E., recently had e-mail exchanges with people who had forwarded a video about Obama that says among other things that he not only has one Islamic (sic) name but three!!!

Wow. What an indictment...

Obama in his wisdom and his personal experience with "otherness" knew that this is the route the Republicans would go. They have nothing else to offer. $12 billion a month for Iraq? We really can't afford that now, especially for a war that does nothing but increase hatred for America around the world. Giant tax breaks for the wealthy? Well, that doesn't really seem appropriate these days. 'Cause if trickle down works, it would have trickled down by now.

Here we see Obama outlining how it would go way back in July.

Yep, you were right Barack. This is all they got...

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