Thursday, April 3, 2008

People Doing Homecooking--Turn Away From Public Kitchens

Home Eating a Threat to Public Kitchens?
State Allows Growing Trend of Eating At Home

by Angela Paul

April 13, 2099
Reunited Press

After much heated debate on the house floor, legislation was passed today to allow a growing number of families to cook meals for their families in their homes. The children must have annual physical examinations to assure proper growth and weight gain. Attempts to require weekly meal plans and monthly kitchen inspections were voted down.

A spokesperson from the National Association of Nutritionists (NANs) condemns this decision. "These children are being denied the rich socialization and diversity that is an essential part of the eating process. Without the proper nutritional background, it is impossible for the average person to feed their own children. We, as child advocates, see this as a step backwards and speak out for the sake of the children who cannot speak for themselves."

Homecooking parents say the benefits of eating at home include increased family unity and the ability to tailor a diet to a particular need. Elizabeth Crocker, a home cook, states, "We started cooking and eating at home when we realized that my son had a severe allergy to eggs. The public kitchens required him to take numerous medications that had serious side effects in order to counteract his allergy. We found that eliminating eggs was a simpler method and our son has thrived since we began doing so."

After this experience, the Crockers decided to home cook for all of their children, and converted their media room into a kitchen. Elizabeth says, "We have experienced so much closeness as we have explored recipes and spent time cooking together and eating together. We have a dining circle with other families where we sometimes share ideas and meals together."

The Crocker children have done well physically under their mother's care, weighing in at optimum weights for their ages and having health records far above average. It should be noted that Mrs. Crocker, while not a professional nutritionist, has a family history rich with nutritionists and home economists. "Surely the success of the Crocker children is due to the background of their mother," responded the spokesman from NANs. "The results they have achieved should not be viewed as normative." Mrs. Crocker counters that her background was actually a hindrance to the nutritional principles she follows. "Our paternal great-grandmother was a home economist, but she prepared most meal from pre-made mixes. In our homecooking we try not to duplicate public-kitchen meals, but to tailor our meals to the needs and preferences of our children."

In a related issue, legislation is in committee that would provide oversight for the emerging homecooking movement. Says the Home Eating Legal Defense Association (HELDA): "We want to provide umbrella kitchens to aid parents in the complicated tasks of feeding their children. Many families lack the expertise of the Crocker family, yet desire to eat at home. As we have seen, the umbrella kitchens meet the needs of all concerned. We are happy to provide this service."


Mama bee said...

Whoa. That NAN spokesperson is mind-boggling. "Without the proper nutritional background, it is impossible for the average person to feed their own children." What??? I guess it was just luck that humans survived for thousands of years before Nutritionists came into being. *sigh* It seems to me like the family that's avoiding eggs by doing their own cooking is A LOT better off. Thanks for posting this.

Mrs. R said...

This is a great comparison. :) Teaching and learning are just as inherent and natural as cooking and eating, despite what the prevailing belief seems to be.

Laura said...

Yep--you got it, green eyes.

Anne said...

Great analogy.

Laura said...

All of the natural parts of life have been taken over by experts and outside forces: birth, death, and the learning time in between--it's a natural extension of that if food choices were taken over too...

I like the woman who wrote this piece. I found it somewhere and don't remember where, but it was a copy there too.

ebehm said...

What a wonderful satire. It is so obvious to me and many others that homeschooling is natural and great for the family, but most people don't see that. It would be hard to read this and think that the nutritionists had the right idea! (Though it seems that our society has come close to this given how much home cooking actually goes on these days :-))

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