Friday, August 1, 2008

Kids' Yoga Class, or What's With the Fun House Mirrors?

May I ask a question? OK. May I ask another? Who thought it would be a good idea to put circus fun house mirrors in yoga studios? Really. Is this to motivate us to work harder? Or is it to make us feel completely defeated so we'll turn our lives over to the instructors and take all sorts of classes in an effort to get rid of that fat visage?

I sat in on a yoga class that my kids took with some friends of theirs at a private athletic club. It was an hour long class and as I glanced over at the wall of mirrors to my left, to check my form and position, I was struck with horror as I saw my reflection distorted--I was squat and grotesquely fat...oh. There I was doing the Downward Facing Dog, and the Cobra and the Sun Salutation and the Plank. I could steal glances as I worked to get myself into the proper poses. Do you think those mirrors are accurate? They're fun house mirrors, right? Aren't they?


I used to be 5' 10" and 135 lbs. when my husband and I were dating in the mid 90's. I may or may not now currently be 135 lbs. Well, OK, I'm not. Is it a crime?! Is it?!

At least I'm still 5' 10" and I'm not shrinking yet...

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