Thursday, June 12, 2008

We Like to go to Sweden...Circa 1870's

As a family, we like to go on field trips. It's just me and the kids and I usually surprise them as to where we're going.

Recently, we went into Chicago to the Children's Museum of Immigration at the Swedish American Museum where my daughter played that she was Elsa, or Ingrid or Agda or Svea as she milked a cow and took care of babies in the old stuga in Sweden. She pumped water and hung up clothes on the line (which no longer has any novel appeal as that's what we do at home...). She cooked at the wood burning stove.

Everything was wonderful, until the crop failure. Oh no! Thank goodness we'd been saving our kroners so that we could travel across the Atlantic to Uncle Ivar's place in Minnesota. We could create a new life in the New World.

Look at his beautiful garden--we can have a good life here. And, the vegetables are easy to harvest from the little rubber chunks that are the dirt.

It's beautiful inside. It's light and airy and we can hang our embroidery from the Old World and we can hang skins to sell later on. Our view out the window is the Great North Woods where we see loons on the lake ringed with birch trees.

We were tired when we first got here. Our trans-Atlantic journey took a long time and was exhausting. We sat down in the cabin and Ivar welcomed us with some bread. With our renewed sense of energy, we harvested vegetables from the garden, gathered eggs and my daughter cooked us a feast.

We soon grew tired of this section of the new world, so we time-warped back to about the year 800 when the vikings held sway over much of Europe and went on a Viking ship to possibly Britain or Newfoundland or some other good place to conquer.

Over all it was an especially fun trip for my daughter. My son has decided that he no longer cares for the Swedish Museum the way he used to. He has outgrown it. However, he felt it was not so bad once he realized he could try to juggle apples in the stuga in Sweden.

I guess you can have fun anywhere as long as there are objects to try and juggle and you're an almost 10 year old kid.

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