Saturday, September 20, 2008


A couple of weeks ago, I bought three Obama shirts from his website to support his candidacy for president and to show the world that I support him. I can not wait to wear one to the Y while the Fox News is blasting on the TV as I pedal on the stationary bike. That ought to show somebody...somehow. The shirts just arrived and I happily wore one to the park yesterday.

Don't they look great?

My husband saw me in one of the Obama shirts when he got home and countered that with telling me that he intends to buy a CD--a brand new CD. That is definitely off the compact. That can't even be rationalized away like an Obama shirt can be.

My husband just thinks I wanted the shirts and it's convenient that they support the campaign. Perhaps... But, since they DO support the campaign, I'm looking at them as a gift from the Obama people to me for all of my support. (My friends at the park sort of suggested that line of reasoning to me--thanks guys) Who am I to turn down a gift, really?! Glad I could help!

Besides, maybe some undecided voter will see me walking in the hall at the library with my two cute little homeschooled kids and will think to themselves, "You know self, I've been on the fence too long. There's just too much riding on this election this time. I don't want the war to go on in Iraq. I want regulation on Wall Street and in the Mortgage lending markets. I want my kids to have health care and when they grow up not be drafted into one intractable war after another. I think there should be ice at the North Pole. Say, look at that nice woman with her perfectly behaved homeschooled kids wearing that dynamite looking Obama t-shirt! Now that's some stranger's opinion that I value and look--she's for Obama! Hmmmm... That's it!! I'm off the fence! Obama it is!! Yes we can! Yes we can!"

That could happen, right?


DoulaMomma said...

maybe your husband can buy the new (fundraising) CD of songs used during the Obama campaign, including original works! I agree - it's more of a donation in something you believe in...wearing it is a political act!

Laura said...

Actually he's going to get a record by Ghostland Observatory. He has a specific desire here, not just to go out and purchase a CD...

Somehow the t-shirts don't bother me--it seems like a political statement. But, the CD seems sort of like the soundtrack to Obama's candidacy and I don't really like that somehow. It seems too Bob Robertsish--do you know that Tim Robbins movie?

My husband just wants the CD and feels that he can now get it because I bought brand new shirts...darn it.

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