Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hello, After Several Years Absence!

Well, hello!

How goes it?

I've been gone a long time, haven't I?

We have long ago finished our life experiment of ONLY buying, borrowing, used things. We often get new things without even thinking twice about it these days.

It's not that The Compact wasn't a good idea. It was. But, we can afford to get what we want when we want it, and we are still thoughtful about our purchases.

The lessons learned from going more than a year with only getting used things, or borrowing what we needed, still remain. My husband, kids and I don't NEED much. We don't WANT much. But, when we do, we get. I notice that when the kids get things they really want, they are profoundly grateful. We are comfortable in our life, but don't take a lot for granted.

So, a success, I think.

In other news, what the hell about this Trump guy?! Right?! How in the world has this happened--that he is the Republican frontrunner?

We Don't Buy It was always about more than the rejection of buying new things. It has always been about the ideas, social mores, stuck patterns of behavior that we weren't buying. And, so it is now.

I think I'll start writing here again regularly. I've missed it.

Do you write? Do you work out ideas? Do you share what you know? It's nice, isn't it? It's a release and a philosophical exercise. It's an exploration. It's a conversation--even if none of you ever respond. I know someone somewhere is reading. I know some may agree with what I say. I know some may vehemently disagree. And, it doesn't really matter if you chime in or not. It might be fun if you do, this can be so one sided, but it's not required for this to be a worthwhile pursuit.

So, hello again!

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